
Posts Tagged ‘architeuthis’

48 hours from the time of this post, you will have already finished taking your exam in AP English Language and Composition. There should be some cold comfort in that realization; nothing can stop the crawl of time, so you are almost through the gauntlet.

The best way to spend a few of the hours between now and 8AM on Wednesday is to read the documents shared with you in class and through Google Docs. (On Google, they are part of a folder named Exam Prep.) You will recognize 95% of it. As you read, your hope is that the review galvanizes your understanding and skills. Remember, this is not an AP exam for which you can easily cram. You can study rhetorical terms and organizational tools, and it might help to quiz yourself on that; for the most part, however, there just isn’t that much to cram with. Many of you spent the last few weeks cramming information into your short-term memory (only to forget it, I fear, as soon as it was regurgitated); unfortunately, regurgitation will not help you that much on Wednesday. You must instead demonstrate the skills and strengths and knowledge developed over an entire year.

Another cold comfort: At this point, you are who you are as a writer. For better or worse, you’re pretty much as prepared right now as you will be when the gun goes off. So you should review the exam format, remind yourself of what you’ve learned, and find your way into the right mindset. Spend your night, then, reading these guides, looking over your notes, and getting rest.

Good luck.

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